Industrial Communication Control Solution Provider


  • CC-Link IE TSN remote station can be developed without considering protocols
  • Embedded GbE-PHY enables easier communication circuit pattern development with fewer peripheral parts and circuits required around the CPU and GbE-PHY, thereby reducing board size
  • Customized sample codes according to hardware specifications and applications can be provided
  • Embedded hardware RTOS*4 reduces CPU load and power consumption

CC-Link IE TSN Slave Protocol Chip

CP620 is an LSI with GbE-PHY communication. This LSI integrates an Ethernet communication ASIC, MPU, and GbE-PHY for CC-Link IE TSN. Devices that perform cyclic and transient transfers can be developed without the need to understand the protocol. It supports motion functions. CP620 is controlled via software.

CC-Link IE TSN Master Station Software Development Kit

SW1DTD-GNSDK1M (the source code bundled version)
SW1DTD-GNSDK2M (the Library veersion)

A method for developing a master station using a software protocol stack.

CC-Link IE TSN compatible devices can be developed without changing the hardware of devices compatible with general-purpose Ethernet.


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Industrial Communication Control Solution Provider